Coached by Couch

Career fulfillment for overachievers.

Meet Your Coach, Elizabeth Couch!

Hey! I’m Elizabeth Couch (hence, Coached by Couch), a former sales leader turned career coach. My mission is to help unfulfilled overachievers like you build a career that genuinely excites you, using proven, sales-driven strategies.

Like many, I stumbled into my career path by accident. A type-A, overachieving New Yorker, I studied psychology at Johns Hopkins with plans to pursue a PhD in clinical psychology. But by the time I graduated, I was completely burned out. The thought of another 5 years of school was overwhelming, so I decided to take a different route.

After returning home, I plunged into the job search and found myself in a sales role at an early-stage tech company. In just under 4 years, I rose to Director of Sales, built the founding sales team, and helped launch a brand-new product. But, as you might guess, I burned out again and felt my only option was to quit.

During a few months off, I reflected deeply and worked with a career coach to figure out what I truly wanted. It turns out I still craved a helping profession but also loved certain aspects of my sales role—like coaching my reps and shaping our go-to-market strategy.

That’s when I started considering coaching as a career, but I wasn’t fully convinced at first. So, I began coaching clients on the side while diving back into another sales leadership role at a tech startup.

It wasn’t long before I noticed striking parallels between my work with top-performing sales reps and my most successful career coaching clients. In both cases, the keys to success were:

  • Knowing what they’re “selling,” who they’re selling it to, and why it’s valuable to those people.

  • Building genuine connections with their prospects and customers.

  • Clearly and confidently delivering their message, even to total strangers.

  • Following a process supported by best practices and conversation guides.

  • Leveraging their coach to troubleshoot and iterate along the way.

That’s when it clicked: the same strategies that drive top salespeople to succeed could help overachievers like you build the careers you really want. So, I designed my coaching program around these principles and set out on my own.

Today, I help ambitious professionals redefine success and build fulfilling careers—not just financially, but personally. My goal is to help you gain clarity, develop a plan, and take actionable steps toward creating a career that truly excites you.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know something needs to change…but find yourself paralyzed by thoughts like “what if I have to take a huge step back?” or “what will other people think if…?"

  • You tend to measure your worth by productivity and visible achievements….but don’t actually know what you want.

  • You struggle to articulate your professional value and sell yourself.

  • You feel undervalued, under-appreciated, or just plain stuck at work

  • You regularly experience Sunday Scaries and have to drag yourself out of bed each morning just to start your day

  • You’re waiting to feel “ready” to make a move.

Am I on the right track?

Imagine if you could…

  • Actually be excited about work on Monday

  • Confidently answer questions like “Who am I professionally?” and “What do I truly want out of a career?”

  • Learn how to improve your current work situation so you have the option to stay and excel in your role or explore something new (while still collecting a paycheck)

  • Uncover the career paths that are best suited for your unique vision

  • Master the art of sharing your professional narrative, connecting the dots to present yourself as the ideal candidate, even if you’re switching careers

This is more than possible for you.

It’s time for you to move from “what if” to “let’s find out”.

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